This HSE guidance is for the person reporting, usually the employer (known as the 'responsible person'). The HSE advise following the RIDDOR reporting of COVID-19 guidance on what to report before using this detailed guidance.
It is recognised that these are not easy criteria to apply in the unusual circumstances presented by the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. This guidance gives further detail to help determine if a report is needed and provides some principles to use when assessing the information available and making a judgement.
The aim of the guidance is to help responsible persons determine whether reports need to be made.
It covers:
Dangerous Occurrences: What the law says.
Is the incident reportable as a dangerous occurrence?
Cases of disease, exposure to a biological agent: What the law says.
Reasonable evidence of occupational exposure.
Work-related deaths due to occupational exposure to a biological agent: What the law says.
Reasonable evidence of occupational exposure.
Cause of death.
Deaths following an existing case of disease report.
The guidance can be found here.
HSE June 2021