This British Compressed Gases Association (BCGA) document stresses that gas cylinders and associated equipment must be stored safely and securely. It gives guidance on enhancing security where cages are used to store gas equipment.
It is noted that the general requirements for cylinder storage are detailed in the BCGA document The Storage of Gas Cylinders. Specific requirements for security are detailed in the BCGA document Security Requirements for the Industrial, Medical and Food Gases Industry.
This document provides additional information to enhance security where cages are used to store gas equipment.
Where only small quantities (10 or less) of gas cylinders, dewars, etc, are present then a security enclosure (cage) may be used.
This guidance looks at design consideration, including:
the base
cage structure
internal structure
infrastructure close to the cage.
Measures to consider when cages are being used are also set out. The guidance is available here.
British Compressed Gases Association May 2021