In-vehicle data recorders, also known as ‘telematics’, can record and process a lot of information very quickly. This factsheet from Brake/Global Fleet Champions explains how telematics data can be used effectively, to manage road risk within an organisation.
According to the factsheet, a telematics system can:
Monitor driver behaviour and identify risks.
Provide feedback to drivers in real time.
Alert drivers to potential hazards.
Track vehicle position and use.
Find out why crashes occur and take action to prevent future crashes.
It is suggested that 90-95% of collisions involve preventable driver errors. The following can be monitored using telematics:
inappropriate speed for road conditions
driver distraction
breaks taken
distance driven
harsh braking and cornering
The factsheet gives information about effective telematics systems and suggests tips for effective implementation. It is available here.
Brake June 2021