Regulation 9 of the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER) require duty holders to ensure the thorough examination of lifting equipment is undertaken initially, when safety depends on the installation conditions and thereafter periodically for lifting equipment that can deteriorate to a dangerous situation.
LOLER applies to all places of work and defines:
Lifting equipment as: work equipment that lifts or lowers loads and includes its attachment used for anchoring, fixing and supporting it.
Accessory for lifting as: work equipment for attaching loads to machinery for lifting.
Work equipment as: any machinery, appliance, apparatus tool or installation for use at work (whether exclusively or not).
The requirements for lifting equipment and accessories to be thoroughly examined periodically does not replace an employers’ responsibility to maintain lifting equipment in efficient working order and good repair, and to ensure inspections are undertaken between thorough examinations. In all cases employers should adopt an effective risk-based regime to ensure safety is maintained at all times and any defects with the potential to cause harm will be detected and remedied in good time.
This Guidance aims to provide the SAFed approach to carrying out the regulatory thorough examinations under LOLER Regulation 9 and particular with regards to the competent person, schemes of examination and periodicity of examinations.
It is available here.
The Safety Assessment Federation Ltd June 2021