Published by Business in the Community (BITC), this toolkit highlights that there are over 10 million over 50s at work in the UK today, a third of the workforce, including 4.4 million women aged 50 to 64. The average age for reaching menopause is 51, so many of those 4.4 million will be women transitioning through menopause, making this a key issue for the modern workplace.
Emerging from the pandemic, businesses are facing critical staff shortages and a cost-of-living crisis. Older workers represent an overlooked source of talent that business can no longer afford to ignore. Making sure that women do not leave work due to menopause is now more important than ever.
This toolkit was first published in 2020 and has been updated to provide an insight into how menopause impacts women in the workplace. It addresses:
What is menopause?
How menopause impacts women in the workplace.
Why menopause is important for employers.
What employers can do to help.
Business in the Community October 2022
Full document below: