Auditing is a proactive management tool for use by an organisation or activity as a part of its management responsibilities. It is used to proactively confirm compliance, detect potential issues and facilitate future improvement.
Industrial gas and liquid plant
This EIGA publication provides a checklist focusing on a specific area of safety, health and environment, management systems and technical practices within the industrial and medical gas industry.
This checklist does not incorporate all the requirements of local or national legislation. These should be taken into consideration when planning any audit or developing audit checklists.
The tool or combination of tools used can depend upon the type of audit and the organisation, location or site characteristics.
Each Safety Audit/Assessment tool contains a list of questions that may be used by the auditor in the format set out. Each question has a sequential reference number, the question itself and where relevant a reference to the EIGA publication or external publication that provides guidance on that specific topic.
These question sets may then be used at different stages of the audit process, by combining them with additional information columns in a manual or automated audit system, depending on company systems.
Section 3.2 shows the format of how the question set may be used for collection of evidence and development of findings.
Section 3.3 shows the format of how the question set may be used for management of actions arising from the audit.
The forms may be adapted or combined depending on audit and action monitoring systems used by a company.
European Industrial Gases Association February 2022
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