This consultation seeks the views of industry and stakeholders on proposed guidance for the safety of electric vehicles on passenger Ro-Ro ferries.
The increase in electric vehicle (EV) numbers in the UK has led to increasing demand for transit of EV onboard passenger Ro-Ro ferries (Ro-Pax). Currently there are limited requirements specific to the charging of electric vehicles onboard UK vessels. However, noting the increasing popularity of electric vehicles it has become apparent that there is a potential for users of these vehicles to expect charging to be available onboard, and for operators of such vessels to consider offering this facility. This marine notice provides guidance for the safe carriage and charging EVs.
Views are sought on the following:
Any content felt to be inaccurate.
Typographical errors.
Non-statutory advice with which you disagree.
Any content you believe is unclear.
Any content you think is inappropriate to include, and should therefore be omitted.
Any content which has been omitted which you believe should be included.
The proportionality of the guidance and any content you believe is overly restrictive or any content that you believe is not going far enough.
Comments must be sent by 20 December 2021. The consultation document is available here.
Maritime and Coastguard Agency October 2021